Co-Founder of Dubuque Tea Party Endorses Rod Blum

Co-Founder of Dubuque Tea Party Endorses Rod Blum for U.S. Congress

Republican Congressional Candidate Rod Blum received yet another endorsement from a Tea
Party founder in U.S. Congressional District 1 on Monday. Last week Blum received the
endorsement of Cedar Rapids Tea Party Founder Tim Pugh.

Michael Heeren, co-founder of the Dubuque Tea Party, commended Blum on his campaign
organization and his willingness to stand up to the status quo in Washington DC.

“The Tea-Party in Dubuque was founded on three core principles that are important to all
Republican voters” Heeren said. “Mr. Blum strongly believes in limited government, fiscal
responsibility and free markets. He will stand up to Washington insiders, reduce
Congressional salary and represent the views of Tea Party Iowans and Tea Party voters
everywhere. His grassroots campaign is organized and strong throughout the district. ”

“I am humbled and honored to receive Mr. Heeren’s endorsement” Blum said. “Though
America is struggling right now, I am optimistic about our future because I am witnessing an
increasing number of citizens in this country who are willing to stand up to Washington DC. I
believe the phenomenon of the Tea Party movement is the greatest example of grassroots
citizenship I have seen in this country in my lifetime”.

Blum, a Dubuque entrepreneur, will face a primary challenge from Buchanan lawyer Ben
Lange for the opportunity to challenge Rep. Bruce Braley, a Waterloo Democrat. Lange was
defeated by Braley in 2010.

Sponsored and paid for by Blum for Congress 2012

About Ajai Dittmar

There is nothing 'radical' about wanting to save your historical neighborhood! There is nothing 'negative' for wanting an 'outside investigation' done a public service that has had a lot of embarrassing news, especially when they don't do their jobs! There is nothing 'odd' about wanting politicians to uphold the Constitution they swear to uphold when they are sworn into office! Follow @sibzianna View all posts by Ajai Dittmar

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