Tag Archives: equipment levy

Sept 10- Vote Out School Board Members

416005_10150453088711370_600971369_8836142_619251124_o (2)Not only did the School Board build a Shrine for themselves that costs millions of dollars but they’re trying to sneak a vote by us too! Not just any vote but a vote that will cost us even more money!

The vote is not being publicized, has become a hidden footnote to the PPEL vote. You vote at high schools, not your polling place. Low turnout means they win. They want more of our dollars, and they want to keep the same people in to waste them. No more taxes, AND it’s time to vote them out.

Remember Polk School?

THE SEPT 10 VOTE: The Physical Plant DSCN0145and Equipment Levy (PPEL) funds the purchase and improvement of District buildings and grounds, construction and repair of schools or buildings and access roads, and the purchase or lease of District vehicles and busses. On Sept. 10, the District will ask the community to consider a PPEL rate of $1.34 per $1,000 taxable property valuable. (RAISE YOUR PROPERTY TAXES) Voting on Sept. 10 will take place at five Vote Center locations. THESE DIFFER from precinct voting in that a voter may choose to vote at any Center location.

Vote Centers will be located at Jefferson, Kennedy, Metro,and Washington high schools and at the Educational Leadership and Support Center. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

THE BALLOT WILL ALSO INCLUDE BOARD OF EDUCATION CANDIDATES. The ballot will also include Board of Education candidates.

They are sneaking it in…will you vote?